World Yoga Day is a fairly young holiday It is celebrated every year on June 21st The date was not chosen by chance The summer solstice day is very important for the culture of various peoples For example, Hindus associate it with the arrival of summer People who practice yoga are sure that on this day the energy of the Earth and its inhabitants reaches its peak, and any actions performed at this time have special power Although yoga appeared more than 6 centuries ago, for many years there was no official date dedicated to this ancient teaching Ideas for establishing a holiday were repeatedly proposed back in the late 90s of the last century They were initiated by a yoga organization from Portugal However, at that time her actions did not bring the desired result In subsequent years, yoga began to gain increasing popularity not only as a set of physical exercises, but also as a spiritual activity And in the fall of 2014, during the next congress of UN members, representatives of India proposed a resolution on the establishment of World Yoga Day
The creators of the document said that this practice is not just a sport for health and figure, but also a technique for normalizing mental balance The International Health Federation confirmed the importance of yoga and recalled that one of the main causes of death is a sedentary lifestyle All participants of the congress - 175 states, together with Russia, supported the proposal to establish a new holiday date And the head of the UN noted that the ancient teaching is capable of uniting people all over the world and instilling in them respect for each other During the next congress in the winter of next year, the final verdict was made on introducing the holiday into the list of important world events
• Yoga excludes any sudden and active movements All exercises are performed slowly, as calmly as possible and completely naturally, without tension or effort on yourself
• The list of the most popular modern specialties contains such qualifications as yoga master According to statistics, over 52,700 people work as instructors in this area
• Interestingly, Muslims also practice yoga The only thing they are not allowed to do is perform mantras
• Ancient Indians who practiced yoga believed that the number of human breaths was limited Therefore, they believed that in order to live long, you need to breathe more slowly
• Yoga is incredibly beneficial for people's health It helps strengthen the immune system, prevent the formation and development of a malignant tumor, and cleanse the body of toxins and waste This is just a small part of what this ancient practice is capable of