The holiday was established at the initiative of the UN in 2010 The prerequisite for this was the support of multilingualism and cultural communication Russian is one of the six official languages of the UN, along with Arabic, Chinese, English, Spanish and French
Each of the representative countries proposed a date of celebration that reflects the priority for speakers of a particular language For example, the Chinese wanted to glorify the man who invented their writing with a memorable date For the Russian people, a special date is June 6, associated with Pushkin, and specifically with his birthday It was thanks to his genius that the unification of the popular, colloquial dialect with the book one took place: the literary Russian language took the form that it has now
On the first anniversary, the date became official for Russia by presidential decree Russian is spoken by a sixth of the entire population of the planet This is the official, national language for the Russian Federation; has state status, on a par with native ones, in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and a number of other countries Even in those states where it is not a priority for the authorities, there are too many native speakers to ignore it Unofficially, all countries of the former USSR communicate on it It is not surprising that even cosmonauts are required to know Russian if they expect to end up on the ISS
The General Assembly supports a special training program and has connections with the Russian Book Club Multilingualism allows the organization to convey information to ordinary people, including through the website It is important for the UN that anyone can get access to news and primary sources of information All events on the holiday are aimed at studying, improving perception, development, knowledge of the most powerful and great
The festival, which has international status and demonstrates Slavic culture in all its glory, is called “The Great Russian Word” There are also concerts, competitions, and exhibitions of works of art related to the Russian people and helping to better understand the mentality of native speakers Special events take place at UN headquarters in different countries
Interest in Russia is steadily growing from the world community With strong administrative support, in recent years it has been possible to increase the prestige and importance of the language Russian contemporary writers are able to capture the attention of foreign audiences, for example, Dashkova, Akunin, Prilepin, Ulitskaya, Lukyanenko
But they have to withstand tough competition from their own compatriots who only lived several centuries ago - the Russian classics The opinion that literature helps to comprehend the secrets of the Russian soul makes the names of Chekhov, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Gogol famous abroad as never before
And it doesn’t matter that literature is sometimes not read, but watched For example, Chekhov as a playwright is considered a star of the first magnitude in terms of the number of productions throughout the world, and Anna Karenina has been filmed about 20 times Maybe watching a film is a reason to get acquainted with the original, the source
This holiday can be considered by everyone who is not indifferent to the Russian language One way to mark the date is to read or re-read any work by Pushkin, in the original