UN Holidays - World Bicycle Day

At the initiative of the UN General Assembly, World Bicycle Day was approved in April 2018UN Holidays - World Bicycle Day It was decided to celebrate it annually on June 3 More than fifty states acted as co-sponsors of the relevant resolution According to the adopted document, governments are recommended to promote the use of bicycles as a means of physical education, disease prevention and social integration It is interesting that this type of transport is considered as one of the tools for forming a positive picture of the world The main reason for the increasing popularity of the bicycle is that this type of transport is environmentally friendly Ease of use and relatively low cost also contribute to its popularity More and more European countries are using bicycles as their main mode of transport In modern cities, special attention is paid to the development of a network of bicycle paths and related infrastructure The patent for the bicycle was received at the beginning of the 19th century by the German inventor Karl von Dres, and at the end of the same century the first bicycle race was held in France The first bicycles had wooden frames; later aluminum was used in their production Over the entire history of its existence, the bicycle has undergone various modifications: its wheels were enlarged and reduced, it became a tandem, it was adapted for children and people with disabilities At the end of the 20th century, a bicycle computer was invented that recorded the speed and mileage of the device The bicycle is a symbol not only of a healthy lifestyle and concern for the environment, but also of the emancipation of women With its help, representatives of the fairer sex acquired mobility and independence Society has developed a loyal attitude towards the clothing of female cyclists, which has become looser According to an already established tradition, on June 3, thematic bike rides, flash mobs, bike parades and exhibitions are held all over the world In addition to these events, special attention is paid to developing a cycling culture, which is why meetings are organized with representatives of sports communities and traffic inspectors The opening of bicycle paths, parking lots, rental and service points is scheduled for June 3 International Bicycle Day is an occasion to educate the public, as well as to glorify one of the most significant inventions of mankind - the bicycle

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