UN Holidays - World Blood Donor Day

A donor is someone who gives life to someone who needs a blood transfusionUN Holidays - World Blood Donor Day Only a safe one, not infected with any infections, can save you Millions of people continue to live thanks to safe donor blood, and millions more, deprived of the opportunity to receive this gift in a timely manner, die “Blood is the gift of life” was the name of the campaign dedicated to World Blood Donor Day, which was held for the first time in South Africa, in Johannesburg on June 14, 2004, on the initiative of three International organizations: the Blood Transfusion Society, the Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and Donor Organizations blood Organizations advocating the idea of ​​donating blood free of charge were supported by the World Health Organization According to WHO, it is voluntary donors who donate it regularly, acting on the basis of altruistic motives, who have the safest blood - volunteers have no reason to hide the reasons why the invaluable fluid of the human body may be unsafe In May 2005, participants at the 58th World Health Assembly spoke in favor of the priority of voluntary donation Resolution WHA5813 established World Blood Donor Day on June 14th The Secretariat's report stated that this day should not replace national donor days The purpose of the celebration: on the birthday of Karl Landsteiner, the Austrian immunologist who discovered blood groups, to draw attention to national, local and global events promoting the development of free voluntary donation throughout the world and to help increase safe national blood supplies by increasing the number of new altruistic donors Before the discovery of K Landsteiner, attempts to heal and save patients with the help of transfusion often remained unsuccessful, despite the fact that they had been going on since the middle of the 17th century, ever since the discovery of the law of blood circulation by W Harvey Doctors transfused blood from animals to animals, from animals to humans, but achieved the desired result in isolated cases The first person-to-person blood transfusion was performed in 1818 by James Blundell This was the first such operation that helped save the life of a patient - a woman in labor However, the percentage of failed procedures exceeded the percentage of successfully completed transfusions Karl Landsteiner in 1900 found out that the blood of different people differs in composition, proved that it differs based on group affiliation, and discovered three blood groups It turned out that it is its different composition that affects the results of transfusion The results of the scientist’s research were so significant for humanity that in 1930 he was awarded the Nobel Prize And the world began to actively study group compatibility and improve the practice of transfusion Already during the First World War, mass successful blood transfusions began in England Medicine is developing rapidly, the latest effective technologies for treating complex diseases are appearing, but it is impossible to do without the help of donors - volunteer rescuers who do not spare their blood and are ready to share it with all humanity It’s so simple, so easy to do a good deed - just share your safe precious liquid, just give someone life How wonderful it is to do simple good deeds and feel like a virtue! Let us remind you that National Donor Day in Russia is celebrated on April 20

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