A generally recognized holiday, it is an international UN day World Breastfeeding Week is held annually from August 1 to August 7 and is celebrated throughout the planet The initiator of this holiday was the World Health Organization This event is held to promote natural feeding of infants, since such nutrition is necessary for the health of the child and his further normal development Many mothers refuse it and transfer their babies to artificial nutrition, not realizing that they are depriving the baby of essential nutrients and vitamins that are simply necessary during the first months of development
Informing is the best way to make the right decision Not everyone knows that sometimes refusing natural feeding can become a necessary measure if the mother has certain diseases This necessary information must be taken into account when making a decision, and communicating it is also one of the goals of this action
Another consequence of this event is to warn mothers against possible diseases that may occur after giving up breastfeeding Emphasis is placed on the fact that breastfeeding can relieve postpartum depression and become the key to the health of not only the baby, but also the nursing mother Another advantage of traditional feeding is that you can save a lot on this Calculations about the benefits of such feeding are made visible to everyone, especially low-income families
The history of this holiday began back in 1990 It was on these days that the Declaration was adopted It secured the understanding and support of the 32 countries that signed it It included key messages about promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding; especially in developing countries This action can be called a strategic move to popularize natural feeding and protect the rights of mothers The holiday is held with the full support and participation of the International Union WABA, which was created by merging the common interests of public organizations and individuals
The event also received support from UNICEF, which has developed a global strategy for infant feeding based on scientific research Its rules describe not only instructions on proper feeding, but also special information for medical institutions
During the celebration, additional events are held, lectures are given, etc All this is done with the involvement of journalists and the full participation of the media, who then write articles, notes and reports about the conduct and goals of the holiday
Over the years, Breastfeeding Week has managed to bring together more than 170 countries over common interests and provide important accessible materials and information Propaganda has led to the fact that now not only the female half of humanity, but also the male population of the planet is paying attention to the celebration, and this is very pleasing