Since 2018, following the adoption of a UN resolution, April 21 is celebrated as World Creativity and Innovation Day Events are organized by UNESCO, WTO, WIPO, UNIDO and other organizations on this date
Before the holiday was declared universal, about 50 countries around the world had celebrated the Day of Creativity and Innovation since 2002 A creative approach to mastering reality in many areas of human activity inevitably leads to inventions and discoveries Flexibility of thinking, originality and a non-standard approach to solving problems contribute to the development of sectors of the economy:• design;• advertising industry;• music;• architecture;• media;• IT technologies;• interactive entertainment programs;• television;• software development, etc
This is interesting: Under the auspices of UNESCO, the Creative Cities Network (UCCN) was created in 2004 The activities of their residents are aimed at developing creativity and the cultural industry The Creative Cities Circle includes more than 180 locations from 72 countries Members of the international network demonstrate their potential in cinematography, gastronomy, design, folk and decorative arts, music, literature and media arts
The capitalization of creative industries in the world is 36 trillion dollars Innovative activities in the field of science and technology help to improve the standard of living of people on Earth, and in the economic sphere - to solve problems with hunger and poverty Scientific discoveries and modern technologies not only create new markets, but also create jobs Today, more than 295 million people work in the IT field and other sectors of the economy
This is interesting: The term “creative economy” began to be used at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries At the center of this sector are ideas as a consequence of human intellectual activity Less tied to material resources than the traditional economy, the creative economy has both commercial and cultural value The result of a creative approach to solving complex problems that had analogues in the past leads to discoveries in various fields of human activity
“There is hardly the highest of pleasures than the pleasure of creating,” said NV Gogol A person who is bursting with ideas and comprehends life through intellectual activity fulfills his natural destiny A creative approach to life allows you to enjoy it to the fullest and share the fruits of your discoveries with other people Innovation is needed to develop the economic potential of each state World Creativity and Innovation Day calls attention to the importance of developing a person’s creativity and creating opportunities for the realization of his talents