Everyday attention to the values of culture, interracial contacts, the ability to conduct dialogue in order to maintain sustainable peace and comprehensive development is a priority task for all inhabitants of the planet The importance of maintaining such foundations is emphasized by the UN Spiritual values, as a fundamental instrument of progress, have always been given special attention In order to highlight priority tasks, to honor and increase the richness and diversity of the spiritual aspect in the life of each individual nation, a holiday was created - World Cultural Development Day
Over time, the target load and range of tasks expanded significantly; the question of the need to unite all nations for the sake of peaceful and stable living, assistance in the development and preservation of all the moral wealth of nations living on Earth was acute Therefore, in 2001, the UN recognized the phenomenon of cultural wealth and development of all nations In 2002, namely on February 20, the UN General Assembly decided to reform and transform this special day into a broader and more ambitious one It is now World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development The event has attracted attention in many countries around the world and is celebrated every year on May 21
The foundations of the culture of the people are a powerful driving force for full-fledged economic growth, stability, as well as an effective tool for influencing the moral, intellectual, and emotional criteria of life In the modern realities of the modern world, intangible wealth becomes the key to awareness, the formation and improvement of the norms of spirituality, the concept of the need to preserve the diverse heritage of all peoples of the world
The seven cultural conventions are interpreted as being of utmost importance in supporting and promoting global diversity The concept itself is presented as a fundamental lever of influence in the work to overcome pressing problems of humanity Through the cohesion of nations and sustainable fruitful dialogue in the modern world, it is necessary to control and reduce global poverty, as well as ensure a full, decent standard of living
Leading minds rely on the recognition of the very phenomenon of cultural diversity, strive, through the dissemination of information by modern media, with the help of the latest global communication technologies, to ensure an unbreakable connection between nations, to strengthen mutual understanding and respect between all peoples on the planet
The vital goal of such an important day is to help understand as deeply as possible the need for diversity of facets of world views to preserve peace on Earth, respect for all peoples and their heritage
The foundations, goals and traditions of the holiday are regulated by a special document - the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, which was proclaimed on October 20, 2005 The document presents the main tasks and priorities in the work:
In all conventions that address issues of moral values, the main emphasis is on the need for international cooperation As part of the annual celebration of Cultural Diversity Day, a special program was launched Her motto is “Do one thing” The goal of the campaign is to encourage specific organizations and people around the world to take effective steps to support the diverse national heritage, increase full awareness and direct participation in intercultural dialogue, and form a large-scale global community that understands the importance and strives in every possible way to preserve the great spiritual heritage of all peoples