UN Holidays - World Food Safety Day

Poor food quality provokes the development of more than 200 different diseasesUN Holidays - World Food Safety Day Chemicals that are used to grow plants and pathogens entering the human body cause allergies, gastrointestinal disorders and even cancer In 2016, the UN drew attention to the problem of food safety, due to the poor quality of which hundreds of thousands of people die every year around the world 40% of them are children under 5 years of age In recognition of the importance of addressing the issue, June 7 is World Food Safety Day Activities held in honor of World Food Safety Day are aimed at raising people's awareness of diseases caused by poor quality food and water Most often, it provokes intoxication of the body due to the ingress of viruses, bacteria and chemicals into it - from fertilizers to growth hormones, which are used in livestock and poultry farming Poisoning with low-quality food products leads, at best, to diarrhea, and at worst, to the development of cancer Infection with helminths is observed when consuming thermally unprocessed meat, raw shellfish, unwashed vegetables and fruits Poor quality food has a particularly negative impact on the health of young children, the elderly and people suffering from chronic diseases For various reasons, the body of these population groups is weakened, and the immune system cannot give a worthy response to the aggressor in the form of infection Every year, 400 million people in the world fall ill due to low-quality food, and 125 thousand children die from poisoning, most of whom live in countries with low incomes According to the UN idea, agriculture and representatives of the food industry should unite and make food production as safe as possible Intoxication due to consumption of poor-quality food leads to early disability of people, decreased productivity and additional medical expenses Not every state can provide expensive, qualified care to cancer patients whose condition is caused by long-term consumption of unsafe food The annual economic losses of countries due to the consumption of poor quality food by their citizens amount to $110 billion World Food Safety Day calls for more than just concern for the health of the planet's population World Food Safety Day draws attention to the need to reduce the burden on health systems, national economies, tourism and trade Cooperation in this direction should be carried out by national governments, producers and consumers

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