At the end of March, namely on the 23rd, it is customary to celebrate World Meteorology Day The holiday is celebrated on this day, taking into account the date of adoption of the World Meteorological Organization convention in 1950 The World Meteorological Organization is made up of 185 different countries Until this time, the International Meteorological Organization operated
The weather is constantly changing, its changes are determined by complex laws No matter how quiet she is, surprises can be expected from her at any moment Agriculture, aviation, sailors depend on hydrometeorological conditions, and we all need to know whether it will rain today
Carrying out weather observations, collecting, distributing and processing hydrometeorological information is impossible without international cooperation Weather phenomena develop over the earth's surface, regardless of state borders, and require the exchange and comparison of readings
The profession of a hydrometeorologist is one of the rather rare, not widespread, professions The main conditions for working as a meteorologist are objectivity and continuous attention to the object of study
Meteorologists are people with special education This profession includes weather observers, technicians, scientists, weather radar operators and engineers
Forecasters make weather forecasts, aerologists study the state of the atmosphere at altitude, marine hydrometeorologists provide hydrometeorological information to sea transport, and aviation meteorologists provide air transport, respectively
The work of a meteorologist is very precise and painstaking Timely and relevant predictions help protect our property and lives On March 23, we can say thank you to those people, thanks to whom we have the opportunity to prepare for weather conditions and reduce damage from hurricanes, storms, and tsunamis