World No Tobacco Day, like many national holidays, originally originated in the United States Oncologists suggested that smokers give up smoking at least for one day Their goal was to enable smoke lovers to take the first step in the fight against a health-destroying habit The idea was supported and began to be disseminated through the media
The idea had positive results, and in 1988 the World Health Organization (WHO) decided to declare May 31 World No Tobacco Day Since then, WHO and partners have celebrated this day every year
Russia is also part of these countries In our country, about 300 thousand people die annually from the harmful effects of tobacco and its consequences, which exceeds the numbers of those killed in road accidents, from drugs and AIDS Research has revealed that almost half of the population smokes in Russia, or more precisely, 40%
Smokers harm not only themselves: according to statistics, every year more than 600 thousand people in the world die from the effects of second-hand tobacco smoke, unwittingly becoming passive smokers
Therefore, WHO calls on governments to reduce tobacco consumption in different ways Among them are holding educational conversations and lectures about the immediate dangers of smoking, and its more distant consequences, such as the birth of weakened and inferior offspring of smokers, as well as various bans and fines These include a ban on advertising tobacco products, increasing taxes on them, and monetary penalties for smoking in public places
This day is celebrated not only by smokers, but also by those who in one way or another help fight smoking, namely oncologists, narcologists, activists of social movements, and those who have already said goodbye to the bad habit and want to share their experience
Every year the action takes place under certain slogans, including, for example, self-explanatory slogans of past years - “Tobacco-free youth” or “Increasing the tax on tobacco products”
Traditionally, May 31 is not complete without conferences and seminars, at which representatives of medicine, charitable foundations, and public government organizations make presentations In them, speakers introduce listeners and colleagues to problems and successes in this area, put forward various proposals for making improvements to current legislation on this issue, and promote a healthy lifestyle
It would seem, what does it mean for a smoker to spend one day without tobacco? But the importance of this day should not be diminished For some, May 31 will not change anything, but for others, it may be the first day of independence from a long-term bad habit The most important thing is to start