Fortune, as you know, is a capricious and fickle lady This partly explains the alternation of black and white stripes in the life of every person However, there are people who are haunted by failures throughout their lives Outsiders' plans, big and small, don't come true These unfortunates can't do anything, no matter how hard they fight for their place in the sun In the USA such people are called losers, in Japan - hihikomori Scientists see the reason for such a fiasco in life in the psychological mindset of failure In order to understand this phenomenon, Loser Day is celebrated every third Friday in December
An unusual holiday, Underdog Day, was established with the goal of forcing losers to overcome the internal barrier, a complex that is usually formed in childhood A person’s confidence that nothing will come of his plans, and that it is better to surrender to the mercy of circumstances, intensifies during his school years and grows stronger during college studies and work Losers are no different in appearance from other people The reason for their failures lies in the initially incorrect attitude - the expectation of a fiasco in any field of activity: from personal life to professional
Psychologists, having analyzed the behavior of losers, came to the conclusion that they are distinguished by the following features: • outsiders are too proud to accept help; • they like to discuss problems rather than their solutions; • they try to avoid mistakes, although, as is known, those who do not make mistakes does nothing; • do not know how to leave their comfort zone - they are afraid to take risks; • do not consider it necessary to wait, dreaming of a universal formula that will lead to instant success; • are not prone to introspection and critical thinking - they are overly focused on the opinions of others regarding their personality
Despite all of the above, the “loser syndrome”, which looks at life with pessimism, can and should be fought In honor of Underdog Day, psychologists recommend starting to develop useful skills To do this, you should reconsider your life and find positive moments in it, and then put all these events on paper Next, you should thank your friends, thanks to whom positive circumstances have developed, God, relatives, and even yourself
You should start the day by smiling at the new day while still lying in bed, with the joy of being alive, and try to spend the holiday without looking for negativity A loser needs to try to cultivate a sense of happiness within himself and try to share this optimistic attitude with others You should not draw parallels between yourself and other people who seem to have achieved more Compare yourself yesterday with today, pay attention to the skills and abilities, qualities of character that you have developed in yourself, despite difficult life circumstances
Failures and falls happen in the life of every person Self-confident and success-oriented people find the strength to rise from their knees and move on This is an example of the triumph of the human spirit and willpower Losers should develop fighting qualities and begin to look at life with optimism, with a dose of humor and self-irony A problem that arises on the way to a goal can be ridiculed, reducing its importance and reducing the blow that any defeat or loss inflicts on the psyche
If you consider yourself an outsider, then take into account the recommendations of psychologists and start life from scratch There should be no room for despondency, self-doubt, pessimism and the expectation of inevitable failure Don't be like the Japanese hihikomori, who voluntarily isolated themselves from society due to problems with socialization Open your heart to life with all its joys and sorrows! And then next year the funny Underdog Day will have nothing to do with you