US Holidays - National Eat What You Want Day

An unofficial holiday when anyone can afford to eat whatever they want, without regard to diets or food restrictionsUS Holidays - National Eat What You Want Day This unconventional holiday was invented by Thomas Roy and his wife Ruth They founded their Wellcat Holidays brand by adding over 80 fun, creative opportunities to make life better They became very popular after publications by leading media outlets such as the Los Angeles Times, television shows, and Internet advertising Unique designer holidays have attracted the attention of many people who are determined to live more cheerfully and positively And what can allow you to enjoy life more than the additional opportunity to have a delicious meal with friends and family Take a break from your daily struggle with excess weight at least for one day: this is how your stomach wins over your brain Some nutritionists have backed the approach: By constantly eating low-calorie, tasteless food, your determination to go all the way in the battle for a small waist can melt away There are also active opponents of this holiday, which has gained wide popularity among the American population, and over time in other countries Opponents provide specific figures The United States has been at the top of the rankings for obesity rates in recent years: more than 32% of the population has been diagnosed The seriousness of diseases directly related to excess body weight is evidenced by the fact that diets make not only the waist thinner, but also the American budget 70 billion dollars are spent on treatment annually But these data do not stop optimists All people are different and will celebrate based on personal gastronomic preferences, the main thing is that everything is allowed Gourmets choose to go to a luxurious restaurant awarded with Michelin stars Someone will want to enjoy the comfort of family and celebrate at home, preparing a dish according to a family recipe Strict vegetarians eat steak on May 11 because they want to In big cities there are festivals of street food and culinary art In many small towns and suburbs, enthusiasts try to create their own local atmospheric holiday with the obligatory attributes in the form of tables, stages, tents right on the street, because on a spring day you just want to have fun and eat delicious food Everyone is given the opportunity to forget about dietary trends and allow any food excesses Many people take this too literally, replacing quality of food with quantity The holiday is a success when French fries, burgers, peanut butter, pizza, and popcorn are washed down with a huge amount of soda Nutritionists advise not to allow May 11, having the status of a holiday, to turn into a day of mourning and remembrance for lost health and thin waist

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