USSR Holidays - Birthday of the Pioneer Organization (Pioneer Day)

Oktyabrenok, pioneer and Komsomol memberUSSR Holidays - Birthday of the Pioneer Organization (Pioneer Day) These phases were an integral part of the growing up of a Soviet child In Tsarist Russia, the scout movement was very popular, which included more than 50 thousand children On the threshold of the Civil War, they organized searches for street children and provided other social assistance After the Revolution of 1917, the scout movement, whose slogan was the famous call “Be ready!”, gradually disintegrated However, the idea of ​​​​creating a new children's organization was in the air On May 19, 1922, at the All-Russian Komsomol Conference, a decision was made to create pioneer detachments This is how Pioneer Day appeared, which was celebrated annually throughout the Soviet Union Initially, the movement bore the name of Spartacus, a fighter for justice and freedom for the slaves of Ancient Rome On January 21, 1924, the pioneer organization was named after VI Lenin A few years earlier, his friend and comrade NK Krupskaya made a report “On Boy Scouts” In it, she suggested that the Komsomol adopt the methods of scouts and create a children's organization “communist in form” This happened in May 1922 The leadership of the pioneer movement was carried out by the Central Committee of the Komsomol, which decided at the V Congress of the RKSM to unite the detachments of “Yukists” (young communists) and other scouts into one organization Symbols indicated that schoolchildren aged 9-14 years belonged to it - a badge was attached to the lapel of the jacket, and a scarlet tie was tied around the neck Admission to pioneers was carried out individually by open voting at a meeting of a detachment or squad that had its own banners All ceremonial events were held to the sounds of the anthem, bugle and drum First of all, excellent students and activists became pioneers, after them - the rest of the guys Each was given a badge and a tie - symbols of the organization The rights and responsibilities of pioneers were spelled out in its Charter The creation of a patriotic spirit was facilitated by rallies, trips to camps, hiking trips, sports games such as “Leather Ball”, “Zarnitsa”, etc The heirs of Ilyich’s ideas participated in subbotniks, all-Union shows and other events The goal of the pioneer organization was to educate young fighters for the cause of the Communist Party The idea is reflected in its motto "Be ready!" and "Always ready!" - these slogans were repeated in 1970 by more than 23 million pioneers of the Soviet Union The most popular chants were: “Fight and search, find and not give up,” “Always shine, shine everywhere, shine - and no nails,” “Always forward, not a step back” Pioneer Day is a thing of the past - it was no longer celebrated after the collapse of the Soviet Union However, in memory of this organization in modern Russia, May 19 is celebrated as the Day of Children's Public Associations It is attended by both children and counselors and teachers working with Pioneer-age children and teenagers During the Soviet era and today, May 19 is still a holiday of patriotism, youth and love for the Motherland

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