Vesak Day

The “floating” date (April - May - June) of the Vesak holiday is due to the fact that each nation has its own lunar calendarVesak Day This holiday is celebrated in many South Asian countries for five days, although it originated in India Since 1999, the UN has adopted a resolution recognizing Wesak Day as a global heritage Gautama Buddha was born, received enlightenment and shed his body during the time of the year called the Taurus full moon Buddhists believe that on this day he descends into the world of people for a few minutes to bless them and remind them that they are not alone Buddha appears in the valley of Tibet, where pilgrims flock every year on the May full moon There they chant mantras and recite prayers Vesak is sometimes called Buddha's birthday On this holiday, people read prayers and meditate to cleanse the soul, and to cleanse the body they eat food of plant origin (most often rice porridge) Sometimes they do not take food at all, showing that they are free from physical food, but not spiritual During the five-day holiday, it is unacceptable to drink alcoholic beverages Buddhists decorate their homes with garlands, paper lotus flowers and light homemade lanterns with lamps inside Before the holiday, relatives send each other postcards with scenes from the life of Gautama Buddha On the eve of national celebrations, people work in temples: they do repairs, wash Buddha statues, and decorate them with petals It is customary to give alms to beggars and to give offerings to monks People pay tribute to the dead: they visit graves, remember them in quiet words, without indulging in sadness On the streets they organize theatrical performances showing the three most important episodes in the life of the Buddha All night long in temples, priests talk about the life of Buddha Religious chants are organized, parishioners burn candles and fumigate themselves with incense In the late evening, everyone participates in a procession around the temple and worship of the Buddha statue Sculptures depicting Buddha as a child are especially preferred It is also customary to water the Bodhi tree, under which he received enlightenment

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