World Asthma Day

The population of our planet is growing every day; experts say that it is increasing at a tremendous paceWorld Asthma Day Along with the population, the number of people susceptible to various chronic diseases is growing The ecology of our planet is not ideal, especially dirty ecological places - these are large cities in which production, exhaust gases from cars, as well as various types of garbage that people leave behind are concentrated This, naturally, does not contribute to the improvement of humanity One of the scourges of modern society is a disease such as asthma Literally, the word “asthma” is translated from Greek as “heavy breathing”; this word was introduced into medical terminology by Hippocrates This effect occurs in the body in response to a stimulus - physical, chemical or biological In the modern world, asthma refers to any manifestations of human suffocation Thus, asthma is considered an allergic disease The trouble is that the environmental situation in the world is not conducive to improving the lives of asthmatics Therefore, since 1998, with the support of the World Health Organization, the whole world has been concerned about the problems of asthmatics on the first Tuesday in May Under the auspices of the Global Initiative on Asthma, on this day a huge number of problems are raised related to making the lives of people who are susceptible to this disease easier, and ways to solve them are discussed It has been statistically established that today more than 300 million people around the world suffer from this disease, and the saddest thing is that every ten years, this number of people increases by one and a half times This is a very insidious disease that is quite difficult to diagnose Often it goes unnoticed, symptomatically resembling completely different diseases The unfortunate thing is that most of the patients are children under 10 years old That is why the problem of people who suffer from asthma - and one of its varieties, bronchial asthma, is of interest to most doctors in the modern world Every literate person can find out what asthma is, why it is dangerous, and help prevent its development in their own body - after all, the sooner you recognize the enemy, the easier it is to arm yourself against it and protect yourself from its manifestations It is for this purpose that a day is organized every first Tuesday in May, which attracts the public to this disease World Asthma Day is designed to help people, parents of sick children; on this day you can participate in various conferences, forums or seminars and learn a lot of useful and necessary information for yourself and others related to how to fight this insidious disease or make life easier people who are exposed to it

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