World Lung Cancer Day

1World Lung Cancer Day6 million people die every year from cancer of the respiratory tract Lung cancer caused the death of Wayne McLaren, the most famous of the Marlboro advertising cowboys, actor Alexander Abdulov, singer Joe Cocker, and musician George Harrison from The Beatles Every year, the disease is diagnosed in 22 million people from around the world This puts lung cancer in second place in terms of prevalence after breast cancer Factors that provoke the appearance of tumors in the lungs include the presence of carcinogenic substances in the air, smoking, high levels of radiation and poor ecology However, lung cancer is also a social problem Often it, like other changes in the human body, is provoked by stress and deteriorating living conditions A decrease in income levels forces people to switch to eating cheaper and lower quality products, start drinking alcohol, and give up proper rest, sports and other healthy habits World Lung Cancer Day, which is celebrated on August 1, is intended to raise public awareness about this pathology World Lung Cancer Day draws public attention to the need for timely treatment of a serious illness Its initial stage is almost asymptomatic, which makes diagnosing the pathology difficult In the absence of therapy, oncologists' patients with lung cancer live 2-5 years The success of therapy depends on a timely diagnosis and detection of the tumor at the initial stages of tumor development Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy prolongs life in 40% of patients by 4 years or more Lung cancer is the most common cause of death from cancer among men in the Russian Federation Every year, more and more people are diagnosed with this disease According to the Ministry of Health, the incidence of lung cancer has increased by 20% over the past 10 years The reasons for its appearance include poor ecology of the place of residence, radiation exposure, hereditary predisposition, chronic pathologies of the respiratory system (including pulmonary tuberculosis), viral infections, and the presence of production conditions harmful to health However, the main factor causing this type of cancer is active and passive tobacco smoking Cancer caused the death of a whole galaxy of Russian actors, directors and screenwriters: Georgy Zhzhenov, Rolan Bykov, Mikhail Kozakov, Boris Klyuev, Archil Gomiashvili, Nikolai Karachentsov, Sergei Parajanov, Andrei Tarkovsky and others Educational events held on August 1 encourage society to disease prevention: conducting routine medical examinations, playing sports, quitting smoking, and eating a healthy and balanced diet

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