World Migratory Bird Day

The international holiday is celebrated twice a year - on the second Saturday of May and OctoberWorld Migratory Bird Day As a rule, events dedicated to this date also cover the next day - Sunday The holiday gained international significance in 2006; before that, it was actively celebrated in the United States on the initiative of local ornithologists The problems of migratory birds are part of the global environmental challenges facing the world community The most important component is providing the opportunity for birds to freely and safely change their seasonal location between nesting and wintering sites The development of industry, various types of transport, the development of new territories, all progressive phenomena and events that improve people's lives can threaten extinction for birds In turn, the migration of feathered representatives of the ecosystem affects the overall balance of nature and becomes a kind of marker of climate change and the health of our planet For more than a hundred years, careful treatment of birds has been promoted In 1902, the Convention for the Protection of Birds, but only those important for agriculture, was signed for the first time In 1918, the Treaty on Migratory Birds was signed, which Russia also adheres to In 1950, a more general International Convention covering the protection of all species was signed in Paris Violations of these agreements, unfortunately, continue to be considered in the courts, which indicates that the problem has not been resolved So in 2009, the oil corporation Exxon Mobil was found guilty of the death of birds due to the action of drilling rigs On this special day, ornithologists and ecologists call for all means to maintain natural conditions for reproduction and hatching of eggs of migratory species as another measure to prevent environmental disaster And government bodies, environmental organizations, and communities hold specific public events: they organize lectures and seminars in schools and universities All ongoing promotions and festive events are dedicated to a specific topic, the relevance of which is indicated in advance The 2017 motto is: "Migratory Birds: Their Future is Our Future" Bird festivals and excursions are organized for everyone There are more and more fans of this type of leisure activity such as birding - watching birds in their natural habitat Joint actions by the government, public organizations and the entire world community aimed at complying with the UN environmental program will help ensure the survival of migratory species and will not allow them to get lost, leaving summer and winter habitats intact

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