Holidays 10 april
Uraza Bayram is the holiday of breaking the fast (Eid ul-Fitr, Ramadan Bayram) among Muslims (from the evening of April 9 to the evening of April 10)
Parents, brothers and sisters are the people who surround us since childhood. They see all our initial successes and failures, support us, motivate us to succeed, ridicule, criticize, ironize, and help get rid of personal problems. In a word, siblings are the people you can rely on.
April 10 has long been a significant event for many countries of the world, which during the Second World War fought in the occupied territories, applying all possible forces and resources, with German troops and their allies. Therefore, International Resistance Day is celebrated today in France, the countries of the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, Italy, Poland, Great Britain, Bulgaria and many others.
Global Work From Home Day
April 10 - Banana Day - is not an official holiday. The exact reason for its appearance is also not entirely clear. According to the most common version, on April 10, 1963, these exotic fruits first went on sale in London. Today banana is quite common and affordable.
An ancient technique is used in the 21st century. more than half of the Indian population, 1/3 of the French and 45% of the Germans. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation officially allowed the use of homeopathic remedies in 1995. Like cybernetics and genetics, alternative medicine and its supporters were persecuted in the USSR. However, adherents of the method still conducted research and treated patients using homeopathy.
On April 10, people all over the world traditionally remember the safety pin, which has become indispensable in everyday life. It is called English only in Russia; in other countries the pin is called safe - “Safety Pin”.
The match's birthday is celebrated annually on April 10th. The date is international and is intended to remind humanity of an important stage in its development associated with the invention of a method of making fire accessible to everyone. It is impossible to imagine human life without fire.
Funny holidays - Buckwheat Day
The name of the day was given in honor of St. Hilarion of Pelicite, whose memory is honored by the Orthodox Church on this day. Hilarion's Day was called Turn out the shafts for the change of shafts from sleighs to carts. Shafts are two wooden sticks that serve as a transition from the cart to the horse. On this day it was customary to glorify the mother and stepmother.
Holidays of Azerbaijan - Builder's Day
Orthodox holidays on April 10:
Memorial Day of St. Hilarion
Memorial Day of St. Stephen of Triglia, Abbot

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