Holidays 12 april
The UN General Assembly proclaimed April 12 as the International Day of Human Space Flight. The same date is celebrated by another organization, the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, as World Aviation and Space Day. In Russia, this holiday is called Cosmonautics Day and is celebrated on the same day.
On April 12, 1961, man flew into space for the first time. He became a military pilot of the third class, senior lieutenant Yuri Gagarin, a citizen of the USSR. The Vostok-1 spacecraft launched at 9.07 am from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Having completed one revolution around the planet, Yuri Gagarin returned safely to Earth. An event of this magnitude resonated throughout the world.
According to various estimates, today there are 100-150 million street children in the world. It is difficult to obtain accurate data due to the fact that a significant number of such children do not have and have never had documents, and their birth is not recorded anywhere. Living on the street or simply without the participation of prosperous adults causes them irreparable damage, often ending in early death.
Holidays of Kazakhstan - Day of Science Workers
The human brain does not stop working even during a night's rest. The mind continues to control the thought process at the border between REM sleep and wakefulness. In this altered state of consciousness, we have the opportunity to control the world of dreams: to compose a plot and, realizing our plans, change the script during the action.
This event takes its name in honor of St. John Climacus, abbot of the Sinai Monastery, whose memory is honored on this date by Orthodox believers. People used to make small ladders from sweet dough for Ivan the Climacus and bake them in the oven. They were preparing with the goal of going to heaven after death.
April 12 is World Hamster Day, a fun holiday for lovers and admirers of these cute rodents. What do we know about hamsters? In addition to the fact that these animals are perfect for the role of a companion, both for children and adults.
World Festival of Oatmeal
Orthodox holidays on April 12:
Memorial Day of St. John the Silent
Memorial Day of the Holy Prophet Joad
Memorial Day of St. Sophrony, Bishop of Irkutsk

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