Holidays 16 april
International holidays - World Voice Day
Silent and sound film actor, director and screenwriter, editor, producer and composer Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889. The comedian's long life was full of a series of ups and downs. Fans applauded him, critics sang his praises, and at the same time he was persecuted for political reasons.
Holidays of the Slavs - Vodopol (Vodyanoy’s name day)
Sign ";" the writer uses it when he could complete the phrase, but does not consider it necessary to do so. Each of us is the author and creator of our own life. Some decide to leave it by putting a period, but it comes out with ";". April 16 is World Semicolon Day, dedicated to people with suicidal experiences.
Holidays of Armenia - Police Day
On the same date, Orthodox believers honor the memory of Saint Nikita the Confessor, after whom the day was named. Nikitin's day was popularly called Vodopol. Due to rapid warming, the ice on the rivers broke and the amount of water increased. It often happened that rivers overflowed their banks, and their waters flooded the area. Residents believed that on Nikita Vodopola the merman woke up from hibernation.
Day of the Lawyer and the First Constitution of Bulgaria
Orthodox holidays on April 16:
Memorial Day of Confessor Nikita of Midice
Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”

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