Holidays 17 april
Hemophilia is a severe genetic disease in which the blood clotting process is disrupted. The name is translated from Greek as “tendency to bleed.” Without special treatment, people with this pathology are at high risk of disability and often do not live to adulthood.
On April 17, residents of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to congratulate those who for many years risked their lives every day, because on this day the Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops of the Russian Federation was established.
The initiators of the unusual celebration claim that the first sale and purchase transaction was carried out on April 17, without specifying, however, in what century this happened. This fact does not detract from the importance of Money Day, which is intended to emphasize that the material side of life is not the most important thing.
Herbal medicine as a method of treatment with plants has been used by people since time immemorial. The first mention of it is found in treatises written more than 7,000 years ago. Scientific research confirms the effectiveness of herbal treatment, which was practiced not only in Ancient China, but also in Egypt, India, the Arab world and Europe.
Today, the average Russian cannot imagine life without a cup of strong and aromatic coffee, the birthplace of which is Ethiopia. From there it migrated to the Middle East, and in the 19th century. became very popular in America, Indonesia and Europe. The Italians, big fans of espresso and cappuccino, masters of blending Arabica and Robusta beans, established a holiday in honor of their favorite drink.
Although it is common knowledge that haiku (or haiku) was originally an exclusively Japanese national tradition, the international status of the holiday speaks to the broader significance of this phenomenon. In Japan itself, haiku goes back centuries and is considered a folk invention, like ritual songs or tales.
The best-selling car in the history of the Ford brand was presented to the public on April 17, 1964 at the World's Fair in Queens, New York. The model was named "Mustang" according to one version in honor of the breed of wild horse, according to another - the American fighter P-51 Mustang.
April 17 is a funny day of blah blah blah, intended as a celebration of meaningless chatter about everything and nothing. In English, the word blah means nonsense, nonsense and nonsense. And its threefold repetition is used to enhance the meaning of what was said. Sometimes an interjection is used when they want to say that the interlocutor is lying.
Holidays of Ukraine - Fire Protection Day
Holidays of Turkmenistan - Day of Migration Authorities Workers
Holidays of Syria - Independence Day
According to the folk calendar - Joseph the Songsinger, Alder Bride
Orthodox holidays on April 17:
Memorial Day of St. Joseph the Songwriter
Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God "Gerontissa"

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