Holidays 18 july
This date was established by UN decision in the fall of 2009. A new holiday has appeared on the list of international important days to honor the former African president for the cause of freedom and peace. Nelson Mandela is the first black president of South Africa. During the policy of racial discrimination, he became one of the most famous activists fighting for people's rights.
On July 18, 1927, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a document on the creation of a state fire supervision service designed to prevent and extinguish fires. Today, the responsibilities of this service include the prevention of fire prevention measures, checking the availability and condition of fire equipment at serviced facilities, and creating a general warning system in the event of a fire alarm.
By creating a “unit of society,” partners believe in a bright future and boundless love, which will be the key to a comfortable and happy life until their “silver” or “golden” wedding. Some people really manage to stay afloat in the ocean of life and steer the family ship through storms and adversity with honor.
A person experiences the world around him through the organs of vision, smell, touch and hearing. Modern man, immersed in the background of a metropolis around the clock, is deprived of even a tenth of the abilities of his ancestors. This fact worsens the interaction of people with nature and the surrounding world.
A special unit is responsible for supplying the Russian police with weapons, uniforms, food and vehicles. Its introduction includes the material and technical base of the internal affairs bodies. The economic department, an analogue of the service in modern Russia, appeared in the Commandant’s Office of the Revolutionary Guard of Petrograd on July 18, 1918.
The holiday received its name from the church date of honoring St. Athanasius of Athos, revered by Orthodox Christians. People called this day the Months Holiday, since they celebrated the moon on this date. By nightfall, residents left their houses and peered into the heavenly body.
A cloudy sky and falling drops are not a reason to be sad and complain about bad weather. Walking in the rain is a favorite pastime of romantics and creative people who enjoy the sound of the wind, sparks of lightning and the rumble of thunder. Rain has a beneficial effect on human energy - it helps cleanse the subtle bodies.
Orthodox holidays on July 18:
Finding the honest relics of St. Sergius, abbot of Radonezh (1422)
Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “House-Builder” (“Ekonomissa”)
Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth
Memorial Day of St. Athanasius of Athos

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