Holidays 25 july
Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was and still remains the mind, honor and conscience of our nation. The actor, poet, writer, musician and performer spent his entire short but eventful life with exposed nerves, literally existing on the rupture of the aorta. This led to the poet’s death from cardiovascular failure at the age of 42.
It is believed that during this period the Earth passes through a spatial portal - a source of new cosmic energies. On July 25, people working on the subtle plane are recommended to attune themselves to new energy vibrations. For this, meditation, prayer and other esoteric practices are used.
For the first time, the structure of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation acquired such a department as the river police in the 19th century. In the summer of 1867, the Tsar signed a decree establishing it. It became part of the external police as a special organization to control order in the water area of ​​St. Petersburg.
On this day - July 25, 1713, Peter I, by his personal decree, established an investigative office, which became the first state body in the country, which reported directly to the head of state, and had the authority to conduct a preliminary investigation.
Dentists do not meet patients in person, but their work is no less important than the work of dentists. Modern dental technicians are multidisciplinary specialists. They use metal, plastic, ceramics and composite materials to make fixed or removable dentures, and dental wax to create models.
Tasty and healthy food is offered every day by culinary specialists who have chosen a profession based on their soul's calling, and who love to cook for their households. An annual holiday is dedicated to bakers, confectioners, sushi chefs, pizza makers and other craftsmen.
The color red in makeup and clothing is used by women to attract attention to themselves as a sexual object. High heels on red shoes are a challenge, a manifesto of strength, self-confidence and readiness for passionate relationships. According to fashion designers, scarlet shoes are a bright spot in the gray everyday life, a symbol of protest and provocation.
Perun's Day is a pagan holiday; during it, the Slavs chose a victim to slaughter on the altar. Perun is a pagan god, the patron of warriors, he was honored, wanting to achieve victory on the battlefield. This deity is similar to the Roman god of war, Mars. Perun was considered the lord of thunderstorms, thunder and lightning, which terrified the ancient Slavs.
UN Holidays - World Drowning Prevention Day
The senses help a person to understand the world around him in all its diversity. The brain, which is responsible for analyzing sensations, helps process information about the smells and tastes of food, drinks, medicines, toothpaste and much more. The holiday encourages everyone to experiment.
Classical hypnosis, to which 20-30% of the world's population succumbs, is used during psychocorrection, to get rid of bad habits, alcohol and drug addictions, and to suppress physical pain. In honor of the altered state of consciousness, the introduction into which brings great benefits to a person, a holiday has been established.
Holidays of Belarus - Fire Service Day
Baha'i Holidays - National Baha'i Day in Jamaica
Tunisia Holidays - Republic Day
Catholic holidays - St. Christopher's Day - patron saint of motorists and traffic police
The name of the holiday is partly borrowed from the church calendar - the date of honoring Saint Proclus, whose memory is revered by Orthodox Christians. And among the people, the saint was called the Mourner, because during this period, a lot of dew often fell in the mornings and it seemed as if someone had flooded the earth with tears at night. It was believed that dew on Proclus the Weeper had healing powers.
Costa Rica Holidays - Guanacaste Day
Orthodox holidays on July 25:
Memorial Day of the Venerable Martyr Simon of Volomsky
Memorial Day of the Martyrs Proclus and Hilary
Memorial Day of St. Mikhail Malein
Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Self-Painting”

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