Holidays 17 june
Scavengers make our world cleaner every day, despite the summer heat and winter cold. A waste container that is not emptied not only creates inconvenience for residents of apartment buildings, but also significantly increases the risk of spreading infections.
Alligators play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance in nature. Like crocodiles, they eat sick fish, being a kind of orderlies of reservoirs. Reptiles clear them of silt before creating nests to lay eggs. Scientists say that if all alligators on the planet become extinct, an environmental catastrophe will occur on Earth.
The main goal of the holiday is to familiarize and attract the attention of the population to a problem that threatens the health of more than a billion people. Every year, drought and desertification cause losses of agricultural products worth several billion US dollars, and lead to the loss of biological fertility of lands that feed a large part of the world's population.
The mastery of martial arts that athletes demonstrate during competitions allows them to defend themselves and repel an opponent in conflicts that arise outside the ring and on the tatami. Each type of martial arts is not only a set of techniques, but also a philosophy of life.
A type of decorative and applied art in which pieces of stone, smalt, glass, ceramic tiles and other materials are used to create images is called mosaic. This painting technique appeared around 4000 BC. during the Sumerian civilization. In Mesopotamia, mosaics were used to decorate the columns of palaces, interior items and the tombs of kings.
Holidays in Iceland - Day of the Proclamation of the Republic of Iceland (Independence Day, Icelandic National Day)
International holidays - World Juggling Day
International holidays - International Surfing Day
Holidays of Zoroastrianism - Festival of healers “Haurvat”
The date was named Mitrofan in honor of the Christian saint - Mitrofan of Constantinople, revered by the church on this day. Mitrofan was popularly nicknamed the Dung Man for the custom on this day of enriching the soil with manure when it was resting from sowing and planting. It was forbidden for Mitrofan Navoznik to go to bed early or rest at lunchtime.
Orthodox holidays June 17:
Memorial Day of St. Mitrophan of Constantinople
Memorial Day of St. Methodius, Abbot of Peshnoshsky

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