Holidays 26 june
With the goal of helping the world community free itself from drug abuse, the UN General Assembly in 1987 adopted a resolution to annually celebrate June 26 as the International Day against Drug Use and Illicit Trafficking.
The concept of “torture” means an action that is directed at a person and entails causing him severe torment and pain in order to obtain the necessary information from him, or as retribution for his earlier actions, as well as intimidation or coercion. Torture is based on discrimination of any kind in order to suppress a person and strike a blow to self-esteem.
Every morning, first thing we go to the bathroom, where we finally wake up after washing and brushing our teeth. This obligatory ritual is practiced until it becomes automatic, but how and with what did you brush your teeth before? Man has taken care of oral hygiene since time immemorial.
Spiritualism originates in the works of Franz Mesmer, a German physician who developed his own theory of “animal magnetism.” According to his idea, the body of each person acts as a conductor for the fluid, which literally permeates all surrounding matter.
Holidays of Azerbaijan - Day of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Holidays of Belarus - Day of Prosecutor's Office Workers
Madagascar Holidays - Independence Day of the Republic of Madagascar
Holidays of Turkmenistan - Day of Prosecutor's Office Workers
Thailand Holidays - Sunton Pu Remembrance Day
The name of the date was partially borrowed from the church day of honoring the memory of the holy martyr Aquilina of Byblos. Akulina was popularly nicknamed the Buckwheat Girl, as the peasants celebrated the festival of buckwheat. On this day they tried not to work in the field, believing that the land would not produce buckwheat.
Orthodox holidays June 26:
Memorial Day of St. Alexandra Diveevskaya
Memorial Day of the Martyr Aquilina
Memorial Day of St. Andronik of Moscow

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