According to the folk calendar, on December 2 (November 19, old style), Christians celebrate the day of Avdey the Guardian, one of the twelve biblical prophets Being a believer in the True God, he behaved decently all his life During the first defeat of the kingdom of the Jews, Abdeus worked for King Ahab and was involved in housekeeping in his house
When the king's wife persecuted supporters of Christianity, Avdei had to leave his post and help the injured servants of God Then he met the prophet Elijah and went with him to bring the Christian faith to the people For this, the Lord rewarded Avdei with the gift of prediction Thanks to his predictions, the book of prophecies was replenished with one chapter from Avdey
The people called the prophet Guardian, because they considered him the patron of well-being in the home and household On his day, the population prayed for the well-being of their property In addition, there was a tradition of performing a ritual to protect the house from evil spirits and other evil spirits The best method was to tap the blunt part of the ax on the door and window frames People believed that the ax was a reliable talisman against evil spirits and would thus drive them away from human habitation
On Avdeev day a strong snowstorm often began Our ancestors said that these are evil spirits having fun on the street, and those who dare to stick their heads outside the threshold of the house will get sick from them through the wind or snow Therefore, everyone sat at home by the melted stove, treating themselves to hot tea and spices People also relied on folk signs on a given day to determine the weather forecast For example, a sunny day promised the onset of severe frosts, and thick clouds in the sky promised warmth Squally winds predicted a long winter, but precipitation throughout the day foreshadowed a cold spring People were happy if snowdrifts appeared, because they meant a good harvest in the summer If the cattle came out of the manger on the day of Avdea, then the weather should have changed