According to the folk calendar - Pavel Kapelnik

According to the folk calendar, Pavel Kapelnik is celebrated on March 20 (March 7, old style)According to the folk calendar - Pavel Kapelnik Also on this day, according to the church calendar, believers honor the memory of Saints Paul the Confessor and Paul the Simple, from whom the holiday borrowed its name Paul the Confessor served as a bishop in the 9th century in what is now Turkey He clothed himself with idolatry and defended the shrines of Christians, which is why the pagans subjected him to exile The story of Saint Paul began in the 4th century After his wife's adultery, he went to a monastery and became a hermit For his righteous life and constant prayers, the Almighty awarded Paul the gift of foresight and the ability to cast out demons from their bodies People called Pavel Kapelnik Previously, in Rus' this was the name given to the first month of spring, when melted snow dripped from the roofs and snowdrops and the first grass appeared on the ground There was just a natural boundary between winter and spring The cold weather was receding, there were rarely frosts at night, and during the day the sun noticeably warmed everything around Under the influence of heat, huge blocks of snow were torn off the roofs of houses As they fell, they made a loud sound, and the residents said that these were human sins falling to the ground In order to have the strength not to sin, they prayed before the icon of the Holy Mother of God, called the “Helper of Sinners” They believed that the Mother of God always intercedes for humanity She was the patroness of women giving birth, so they prayed to her, asking for an easy birth and protection for their children When going out to sow, the peasants turned to her for successful sowing Based on the signs of Pavel Kapelnik, they judged what was coming If migratory birds returned home, residents prepared for the onset of warm weather But the meeting with the finch predicted cold weather again Water dripping from the roof foreshadowed a fruitful year Large icicles in the evening meant that the flax in the fields would also grow long

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