On February 12 (January 30, old style), according to the folk calendar, the Trisagion is celebrated, also called Vasily’s Day The holiday is named after the Three Saints in honor of three saints - Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, revered by Christians as great teachers of God's Word
History says that until the 11th century there were serious discussions about who was the most important among the trinity of church mentors Christians were even divided into three sides, each believing that their saint was superior to the other two However, a dream that Metropolitan John of Euchaitis had ended the dispute Saints Basil, John and Gregory appeared to him, informing him that they were equal before the Lord Then they united the holiday, calling it the Council of the Three Saints
Among the people, the Three Saints were sometimes called the animal wedding or the animal holiday From this date, forest animals began the mating season Males fought for the right to be the best, and females chose the best males It was these couples who gave birth to healthy and strong offspring in the spring
For the animal festival, a table was set with meat dishes They tried to display game dishes among them Almost all the chores were done around the house The exception was yarn, for which the Three Saints were called the holiday of the three non-spinner saints
The quarreling spouses turned to the healer to reconcile them again For the ritual, they purchased an icon in honor of the holy troika of a given day and placed it on a table covered with a new tablecloth The healers lit three candles and read a special prayer for peace Also, healers could restore friendship between warring friends
Noticing the screaming crows near the house on the Three Saints, the peasants prepared for the approaching blizzard If mice poked their heads out from under the snow, they expected the arrival of warmth Howling wolves near the village foreshadowed severe frosts Windy weather promised a year with frequent precipitation A moon with a red tint was seen before strong winds