According to the folk calendar - Vasily Kapelnik, Vasily Solnechnik, Vasily Parnik, Vasily Teply

April 4 (March 22, old style) according to the folk calendar, Vasily Kapelnik is celebrated; Vasily was also called Solnechnik, Greenhouse or TeplyAccording to the folk calendar - Vasily Kapelnik, Vasily Solnechnik, Vasily Parnik, Vasily Teply The holiday itself was named in memory of the holy martyr - Basil of Ancyra, revered on this day by Christian believers Basil served as presbyter in Ankyria in the 3rd century When the Aryan heresy began to spread, the presbyter was denounced and defrocked He courageously encouraged his flock to be faithful to the Orthodox faith Then the saint was recognized as dangerous for the state and was forced to renounce Orthodoxy However, he glorified God and was subjected to terrible torture, the skin was cut off from his body and burned with red-hot rods, as a result of which the martyr died Among the people, on Vasily’s day the sun became hotter, the remnants of snow dripped from the roofs, and the air became very warm That is why they nicknamed Vasily according to the spring weather But the warm weather did not make the roads any drier Melt water flowed in streams along the slopes to the reservoirs If the peasants intended to build a new house, it was on the day of Vasily Kapelnik that they looked after the flowing streams The most watery places were avoided for the construction of housing, otherwise the building could soon wear out But elevated areas were valued The housewives of Vasily Kapelnik baked bread cakes, symbolizing the sun, and treated their households to them in the morning Such a loaf was revered by the people, believing that it brought wealth and prosperity to the family The dough was usually kneaded from rye flour, since poor people could not afford unnecessary waste And wealthy families bought wheat flour for the loaf According to folk signs, on the day of Vasily Kapelnik, the future was determined The red rays of the sun at dawn foreshadowed an excellent harvest Dark blue clouds were observed before warm, rainy days If snow melting began from the northern part of the anthill, the flying season was expected to be long and fine

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