On October 19, Russia celebrates Lyceum Student Day This tradition began on October 19 (31 according to the new style) October 1811 This day was marked by the opening of the famous Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, which graduated dozens of famous personalities The Lyceum was founded by order of Alexander I for his brothers The idea of creating it for him was suggested by the famous reformer M M Speransky The institution was intended to train dignitaries of the highest level Subsequently, graduates celebrated this opening day of the alma mater by coming to the lyceum lunch, and subsequently arranging friendly gatherings In modern Russia, the celebration began in the early 90s of the 20th century, when schools began to acquire the prestigious status of gymnasiums and lyceums
"Lyceum" in Ancient Greece was the name of a gymnasium on the outskirts of Athens The gymnasium provided general education along with intensive physical training The teachers there were Socrates and Aristotle In Russia, until the beginning of the 20th century, the lyceum was considered a higher educational institution; before the revolution, only 7 lyceums functioned At the end of the same century, a lyceum began to be called an educational institution that prepares for study at a university In modern times, a lyceum is a school or secondary specialized institution, most often with a physics and mathematics focus
The solemn date of October 19 was glorified to a greater extent by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, an eminent graduate of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum For him, this exclusively male educational institution was his home; he considered his classmates to be his best friends, and his teachers to be his senior comrades It is significant that the poet’s lyceum friends (the good-natured Wilhelm Kuchelbecker and the Decembrist Ivan Pushchin) supported him all his life And although he was not distinguished by extraordinary zeal in his studies (he was 4th from the bottom on the report card), Pushkin loved his alma mater The genius of Russian poetry wrote many poems entitled “October 19”, where he praised friendship and a storehouse of knowledge - his native Lyceum
All-Russian Lyceum Student Day is celebrated within educational institutions Graduates come to their lyceums, meet with teachers and former classmates The administration holds open days, organizing reporting concerts for the public Students learn the history of their institution and meet famous alumni Teachers share innovative teaching experiences through open lessons This day is especially celebrated in St Petersburg The organizers organize theatrical performances and balls The most significant event is the Lyceum Autumn festival
Thus, All-Russian Lyceum Student Day is a wonderful holiday, reviving the traditions of school community and mutual assistance, reminding us of the luminary of Russian poetry - Pushkin