October 15 is celebrated as Autumn Leaves Gathering Day This funny holiday can be called romantic, because mid-autumn is the optimal time to enjoy the beauty of yellow leaves You can invite your significant other to take a walk through the park and together look for beautiful specimens of nature withering away in the winter Each leaf is unique and unusual - differences in shape, color, veins You can fantasize about what exactly each specimen looks like and search the Internet for information about various trees
This holiday was most likely invented by a person with a romantic nature who loves nature in all its manifestations The day of collecting autumn leaves will appeal to people who are accustomed to seeing beauty in little things Such people value life in all its manifestations, are always happy to help, and see the world through the prism of romance and love
All specimens collected after a walk can be arranged into bouquets, herbariums, appliqués, and head wreaths can be made Ready-made bouquets of leaves should be placed in water so that they delight with their beauty longer Another good option for celebrating is a photo shoot in an autumn park You can arrange a photo shoot with your significant other, family members, friends, acquaintances, colleagues
The most important thing is to take a good mood with you The main idea of the holiday is to enjoy the beauty of nature and the riot of autumn colors, because in a couple of months winter will begin to dictate its rules to the weather
You shouldn’t indulge in autumn depression and mope, even if not everything is going well in your life at the moment Try to compare your problems with the life of a tree - the plant simply sheds its withered leaves so that new and beautiful ones grow in the spring It is possible that you also need to forget about your adversities - by throwing away the old from your life, you make room for something new
After your walk, you can hide under a blanket at home, make a cup of fruit tea, and watch one of the films about autumn For example, “Autumn in New York”, “Legends of Autumn”, “Home in New York”, “Pride and Prejudice”, “Sweet November” Review your family photos, remember past autumns There is no need to rush anywhere - set aside at least an hour to enjoy the autumn calm and tranquility If you don’t have the opportunity to take a walk in the park, then you can limit yourself to drinking tea with your family - you can look at the trees from the window