In the Badi (Bahá'í) calendar there is a special date symbolizing the infinite, eternal Essence of God - February 25 - Days of Ayyam-i-Ha (Intercalary Days) The celebration begins on the evening of February 25 at sunset and lasts 4 days (in leap years 5) The celebratory event ends on March 1st at sunset Then the month of fasting begins - the last month of the year according to the Badi calendar
Literally the name Ayyam-i-Ha means "days of Ha" In the Arabic language, a spiritual meaning was attached to each letter, the letter “Ha” is a symbol of the “Essence of God”, like it Intercalary days are limitless, they are outside the time measurement system that humanity uses, they symbolize the unknowable Essence of God, mystery and infinity, this is how Bahá’u’lláh interpreted them ( Mirza Hussein Ali Nuri), who approved the Badi calendar in the 19th century
The solar ritual calendar of the new faith was compiled and introduced by the Bab (Seyid Ali Muhammad) In 1844, he announced the imminent appearance of the Messenger of Allah The missionary who prepared the conditions for the creation of a new faith was shot in 1850 The followers of the Báb count down the years from 1844, the very year in which the Báb proclaimed himself the Forerunner of the faith
The calendar has 361 days, 19 months, each with 19 days To harmonize it with the solar calendar, which has 365 days, intercalary days were added Bab, initially did not indicate the permanent place of intercalary days His follower Baha'ul gave them the name "Ayyam-i-Ha" and determined a permanent location, placing them before the month of Fasting
The time of Ayyam-i-Ha reminds believers of the approach of Lent; one might say, it is intended for spiritual preparation for it During this period, the people of Bach organize a festival not only for themselves, but also for all those in need, prepare all kinds of treats, and engage in charity work
Let the fun be kind, the food plentiful and tasty, the gifts not become useless things, and noble deeds motivated by a sincere desire to help those in need May everyone who celebrates Ayyam-i-Ha (Intercalary Days) come closer to their goal, achieve what they want and enter the new month of Fasting with a good soul and pure thoughts Happy Baha'i Day!