The Slavs have long revered honey as a healthy delicacy that was available to both the poor and the rich It was eaten as a snack with tea, added to baked goods, and made into sbiten and other drinks In 1704, Peter I issued a decree demanding that all bee factories be inspected and taken a census, and then taxes begin to be collected from them In 1709 the legislation was tightened If earlier it was possible to give the rent in honey, then from now on - only in money
When the government decided to make money on the popular delicacy, its supply began to decline sharply It became unprofitable for industrialists to produce honey and produce beekeeping products Then the king ordered the establishment of the Sugar Chamber Initially, it was engaged in the supply of cane from Europe and control of its processing By the end of the 18th century In Rus', 20 factories were already operating using imported raw materials
In November 1802, the first production of sugar from beet roots opened in the village of Alyabyevo, located in the Bern district of the Tula province In honor of the introduction of new technology and the emergence of an industry in 2021, a holiday was established Every year on the last Sunday of November, Beet Sugar Industry Worker's Day is celebrated
The first method of processing beet roots was discovered in 1747 by the son of a pharmacist from Berlin, Andreas Sigismund Maggraf But attempts at production were unsuccessful, so for the next 50 years the production of sugar on an industrial scale had to be forgotten Mill owners continued to export cane to Europe from India, Egypt and Central America
In Russia, the first experiments in producing beet sugar took place in 1799-1801 Yakov Stepanovich Esipov began to conduct Being a self-taught chemist, he conducted experiments on his Nikolskoye estate near Moscow In 1799, the inventor sent three pieces of sugar to Emperor Paul I for testing and earned royal praise By decree of the sovereign, beets began to be specially grown in the south of the Russian Empire I'M WITH Esipov not only developed the technology and designed equipment for beet processing, but also initiated, together with retired Major General EI Blankennagel construction of the first plant in the village Alyabyevo During the celebration of the Beet Sugar Industry Worker's Day, the names of these “pioneers” and other industrialists who stood at the origins of its foundation are sure to be heard
The celebration is celebrated at the regional and federal levels The initiator of the establishment of the holiday and the holding of commemorative events was the Council of the Union of Sugar Producers of Russia In 2022, the national economic sector will turn 220 years old Many professionals work in this area to ensure the continuity of the production cycle - from growing beets in the fields to processing raw materials in factories by diffusion, purification, thickening and crystallization of syrup obtained from root vegetables
Sugar Farmer's Day, as the holiday is also called, is an excellent occasion to congratulate workers of seed farms and food industry enterprises, employees of research institutes and commercial and industrial companies, students of agricultural colleges and institutes The importance of the work of industry professionals is difficult to overestimate Thanks to their work, every resident of Russia has access to high-quality and inexpensive products all year round - granulated sugar and refined sugar