August 25 marks the birthday of the Linux operating system When many people say this word, they usually mean a whole group of operating systems In fact, Linux is only a kernel, on the basis of which operating systems are created using components from other resources The popularity of the product is determined by active support, low resource requirements, versatility with the ability to run on almost any equipment Of course, the list of advantages of Linux is not limited to this, but today we will take a closer look at the history
Today, the Linux brand is easily recognizable by its characteristic logo - a sitting black penguin with bright yellow paws This icon appeared only in 1996, and the idea to create an operating system kernel that would be compatible with Unix came to the Finnish programmer Linus Torvalds in 1991 At that time, the creator was still a student and worked on sheer enthusiasm If we dig very deep, the history of Linux will lead us to two major projects - Unix and Multics Torvalds decided to create an operating system kernel for his own computer, and he placed his developments on an open access server
As a prototype, he used Minix, a “training” operating system developed by a Dutch programmer to familiarize himself with the capabilities of Unix A Finnish student wanted to make a more advanced operating system When Torvalds' project became publicly available, other specialists helped the Finn complete the project, so Linux was literally created by “the whole world” The result was a full-fledged operating system All major errors were corrected by 1992
The Finnish student's operating system was originally called Freax The word was created by merging the English “free” and “freak” - a strange free product if you try to translate it literally Torvalds later renamed his creation Linux This name was also formed by merging two words - Unix and the name of the Finnish creator The famous logo was designed by Larry Ewing The penguin was named Tux The idea to use this particular animal for the logo belonged to the same Torvalds Now this sign has become a symbol not only of Linux products
Programmers associate the logo with any free software For three decades now, Linux has remained completely free software Anyone can view the source code and even modify it No one will punish for such enthusiasm, but there is one important condition - the modified code can only be distributed under the GPL license, like Linux itself It is noteworthy that during this time Torvalds stepped away from his “position” as chief developer Linux is a large international community of enthusiasts, in which the Finn maintains a position as an authoritative participant Traditionally, he evaluates the changes that other programmers are planning to make