Today, Internet users find it difficult to imagine their lives without communication on social networks In Russia, one of the most popular is Pavel Durov’s VKontakte platform It is the center of the VK ecosystem, which also includes a payment system, food and grocery delivery service, taxi, VK Combo subscription, scooter rental, voice assistant Marusya and other projects The platform domain was registered on October 1, 2006, and on October 10, the first version of the site appeared on the Internet This date became the birthday of the social network VKontakte
Initially, the startup was created as a resource for communication between students, so one of the name options was Studlistru As the functionality expanded and the project developed, the creators decided to stop focusing exclusively on a young audience Today, the social network VKontakte is in demand by more than 600 million users of different ages, interests, social status and is available in 89 languages Among them there are even such exotic ones as Kannada, the Dravidian language used by the inhabitants of southwestern India
The platform's audience increases annually, as does the daily activity of subscribers The brainchild of Pavel Durov is the leader among networks in Russia in terms of the number of content published on pages - 496 million messages per month At the same time, the popularity of the VK mobile application, which appeared in 2013, is also growing
The VKontakte network is often called a clone of the American Facebook platform However, P Durov claims that his resource is adapted to the interests of Russian users - both individuals and legal entities Thus, banks and bailiffs use VK profiles to search for debtors, and the latter even send notifications about the introduction of enforcement proceedings using the platform
Interesting facts about the VKontakte network include:• 718% of residents of the Russian Federation visit it once a month, and 433% - once a day;• users send more than 10 billion messages per year;• 54% of the audience are women;• the average age of users is 21-40 years;• most of them are visual people who actively use iconography and pictures, value clarity in posts and love photo stories;• the least represented on the platform are men aged 55 years - 5% of monthly audience
On October 10, P Durov celebrates not only his birth in 1984, but also the birthday of the social network VKontakte he created The platform is among the TOP 20 most visited sites in the world, ranking 16th according to SimilarWeb The popularity of the network is fully justified, because it allows you to create groups and communities, exchange text and video recordings, audio files, leave comments on posts, etc Users appreciate the social network for providing these opportunities, so they happily celebrate VKontakte’s birthday on October 10