On February 7, according to the new style, the Orthodox Church celebrates a celebration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called “Quench My Sorrows”
The first icon of this type has been known since the 17th century, when this image was brought to Tsar Mikhail Romanov in Moscow by Cossacks from the Belarusian city of Shklov The title “Quench my sorrows” are words addressed to the Mother of God, protector and intercessor of the Orthodox from all adversity The icon depicted the Mother of God with the baby Jesus on her lap, whose hands unrolled a scroll with words of instruction The Virgin Mary held her son with one hand and leaned her head on the other hand, as if listening to the prayers of the suffering
The first miracle was revealed by the image of “Quench My Sorrows” in the Church of St Nicholas, located on Pupyshi in Sadovniki The temple burned down several times and was rebuilt after fires Church utensils had to be moved from place to place During one of the movements, in the confusion, the image of “Quench My Sorrows” ended up on the bell tower along with the trash, and was lost from sight Tradition has preserved the wonderful story of the rediscovery of a forgotten icon
One worthy and well-born woman, who lived far from Moscow, was bedridden due to illness The sick woman no longer hoped for healing, but only trusted in the mercy of God and prayed One day, the Mother of God herself appeared to the unfortunate woman in a dream and uttered the order to go to the Church of St Nicholas and pray in front of the image, “Quench my sorrows” The woman remembered the words of the Mother of God and the appearance of the icon that appeared to her in a dream and soon set off on her journey In the church, the patient’s words were treated with great attention and all available images depicting the Mother of God were shown But among the icons shown, there was not the one that was shown to the woman in a wonderful dream Then the priest remembered that there were old, unclaimed icons lying on the temple bell tower Among them they found “Quench My Sorrows,” upon looking at which the sick woman beamed and crossed herself After praying in front of the image, the woman’s health began to return
The day of miraculous healing was celebrated and taken as the basis for the celebration in honor of the icon The fame of the healing spread far beyond the temple; many people came to venerate the image of the Mother of God and their prayers were always heard
In the 30s of the 20th century, the Soviet government, carrying out measures to combat religion, moved the church where the image of “Quench My Sorrows” was kept to the Church of St Nicholas in Kuznetskaya Sloboda Every year in the Nikolo-Kuznetsk Church on February 7 a celebration takes place according to the bishop's order Before the service, parishioners must bow to the miraculous icon and mentally address their prayers to it