Worship of the elements and living nature is one of the components of the ancient religious and magical practice known as shamanism People who are its adherents, in a state of trance, can communicate with the souls of dead people and spirits Shamans act as intermediaries between people and the subtle plane of existence invisible to the eye Often, animal spirits are a totem that gives strength and protection; they become guides that lead a person to the other world An unusual holiday has been established in honor of one of them November 23rd is the Wolfenoot Celebration of Dogs and Kindness
The wolf was domesticated by primitive people about 32 thousand years ago The dog has become man's faithful friend, guarding his home, helping in hunting and herding livestock Some habits left over from wild ancestors, for example, howling at the moon, remind us that once upon a time good-natured dogs were wild animals A 7-year-old boy living in New Zealand thought about this In 2018, he invited his mother to establish a holiday - Wolfenoot This is how the day appeared “when the Wolf Spirit brings and hides small gifts around the house for everyone” The woman spoke about this idea on Twitter and received support from a large number of people
The celebration, which was called the Festival of Dogs and Kindness, was liked by animal lovers and animal rights activists Wolfenoot literally blew up the internet The young New Zealand inventor also came up with the traditions of the celebration: “People who treat dogs well get better gifts than anyone else You eat a roast (because wolves eat meat) and a cake decorated with a full moon” The celebration has its own website, as well as groups of adherents on Facebook and Twitter In honor of the holiday, subscribers post pictures of dogs and posts with the hashtag #Wolfenoot
The spirit of the wolf is present not only in ancient shamanic beliefs The image of the animal was used to create a character for the computer game PixARK The magical creature, called the Spectral Wolf, looks very unusual - it has a lilac color and red eyes Purple particles emanate from his body Gamers feed and participate in the domestication of the mysterious Spectral Wolf, who in the future becomes a loyal friend for the player
Offline, in everyday life, tamed animals require care and attention no less than fellow players Domesticated animals that end up on the street need the care of volunteers who live by the motto “We are responsible for those we have tamed” Therefore, in honor of Wolfenoot, various charitable events aimed at helping dogs and other events are held All these good people, according to the idea of the boy who invented the holiday, are protected by the Spirit of the Wolf