One of the most popular building materials appeared approximately 2,200 years ago In ancient times, cement was prepared from lime, tuff, pumice and volcanic ash The Romans used the mixture as a mortar for masonry The material, which is characterized by high strength and astringent effect, is still used today as a fastening agent in the construction of building structures The solution is also in demand in the production of concrete and FBS blocks, exterior and interior decoration of buildings October 21 is Cement Day
The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance On October 21, 1824, Scotsman Joseph Aspdin registered a patent for a quickly hardening material with high performance characteristics Due to its similarity to the limestone rock mined on the Isle of Portland in Great Britain, the mixture was called Portland cement
Today, 70% of material production is concentrated in China, India, Brazil, the USA and Western Europe About 44 billion tons of solution are produced annually at factories 90% comes from developing countries, 10% from European countries and the USA By 2030, global production is expected to reach 48 billion tons
The building material is easy to prepare - to obtain it, just dilute the mixture with water The powder is made from lime, silica, iron ore, alumina and gypsum, and may also include shells, slate, blast furnace slag and marl The composition of the mixture depends on the scope of application Alumina cement is used for the construction of structures at sub-zero air temperatures, sulfate-resistant cement is used for structures that will be regularly exposed to aggressive environments, and white cement is used for constructing self-leveling floors
The material, depending on its composition, is characterized by frost resistance, strength and water resistance Dry powder varies in grinding fineness, percentage of components and strength class Cement grade M50 is used for plastering surfaces, M200 - floor screeds, M300 - foundation construction, M500 - construction of stone and monolithic buildings, bridges and columns The M600 class material is considered the most durable It is able to withstand strong mechanical loads, therefore it is used for the production of “military concrete”, the construction of hydraulic structures (locks, dams, dams) and other structures that are installed on the seas and rivers
The plastic and viscous solution has not lost its relevance over several thousand years of use To pay tribute to the wear-resistant and durable material, without which it is impossible to imagine a construction site, an unusual holiday is called - Cement Day