2D artists are specialists in flat computer images, most often in the gaming and cartoon genres It is these people who have been creating computer games and everyone’s favorite cartoons for many years They specialize in developing flat, still images, as opposed to 3D workers who create three-dimensional, so-called 3D textures A worldwide professional holiday celebrated on December 2 is dedicated to 2D artists The choice of day was not chosen without reason December is the only month beginning with the letter “D”, not only in ours, but also in foreign languages For this reason, specialists in 2D graphics and 3D pictures divided the first days of December among themselves In addition, this is a celebration of cartoon film artists, architects, Internet portal designers, and fiash postcard designers Any person at least somehow connected with this type of activity has the right to join in the celebration of the solemn date
The first drawn “living images” appeared at the end of the 19th century Until recently, the creators of such drawings did not even think that they were 2D artists And only after the appearance of 3D images, this circumstance was revealed Subsequently, computer graphics gained enormous popularity, and with it, 2D artists also became in demand According to the experts themselves, few things distinguish them from ordinary painters who use brushes and paints in their work In both cases, the most important thing is to learn how to correctly arrange objects, have anatomical knowledge and skills in the field of color science When starting a new project, 2D artists initially draw their characters and backgrounds on plain paper This makes specialists similar to ordinary painters And only after this procedure is completed, 2D creators transfer the images to a computer monitor, using special graphic editors
To master this profession, it is not at all necessary to have an art education Today there are many special books, courses, and websites that provide full-fledged classes in two-dimensional graphics Such portals also provide the work of other specialists and the opportunity to publish your own drawing for discussion Experts also recommend that the practice should be learned gradually, by drawing a lot and thereby constantly improving and improving your skills An employee of such a profession, in addition to basic knowledge, must have certain personal qualities The most important thing is perseverance and curiosity This also includes hard work, the desire to complete work, the ability to competently respond to criticism, and listen to the opinions of other people Of course, it is very difficult to become a computer designer without a rich imagination