Since 2021, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Father's Day is celebrated in Russia every third Sunday in October For the first time, deputies and social activists spoke about the need to establish a solemn date in 2008 during the Year of the Family The last Sunday of November is celebrated annually in Russia as Mother's Day However, to strengthen the institution of family and traditional values, one holiday is clearly not enough Father's Day is intended to highlight the role of the second parent and its importance in raising children
The tradition of honoring men who play the role of father, grandfather, uncle or stepfather in the family is inherent in the cultures of different nations Thus, in the USA, Father's Day is celebrated every third Sunday in July The law establishing it was signed in 1972 by President Richard Nixon, although the idea of the celebration originated back in 1909 During Father’s Day, American fathers spend the day off with their families, without being distracted by work or other matters Children give their fathers and grandfathers homemade cards or tools for the celebration, while adult offspring give them packs of cold beer and a hearty dinner with steak
In China, on Father's Day, the eldest men of the family are congratulated - respect and honor are given to grandfathers and great-grandfathers In Australia and New Zealand, the holiday falls on the first Sunday in September and is accompanied by the presentation of flowers, chocolate or a tie to the head of the family at breakfast The celebration ends with a trip between fathers and children into nature and active games In Finland, houses are decorated with national flags for the holiday, and homemade pie appears on the table On Father's Day, Finns remember men who have passed away and light candles on their graves
In Denmark, representatives of the stronger half of humanity go out into nature without their wives, go on walks or bike rides, and gather in pubs for a glass of beer In Estonia and Sweden, on Father's Day, matinees are held in schools and kindergartens, and parents are given gifts - paper cut-out and painted cars or ties
In Italy the holiday falls on Saint Giuseppe's Day In honor of the occasion, offspring give their fathers a bottle of expensive wine along with perfume or other male accessory The inhabitants of the Apennines, like the French, consider themselves experts and great connoisseurs of the “nectar of the gods” For Father's Day in Italy, a list of wines is compiled annually that are recommended to be given to dads as a gift
In honor of the celebration, billboards with congratulations appear on the streets of Brazil; the roads and buildings of Thailand are decorated with yellow flags - the color symbolizing the king of the country In the country, the holiday in honor of the father coincides with the day of the birth of the supreme ruler on December 5, 1927 Both celebrations are widely celebrated by the king's subjects
What is the best gift for dad on the third Sunday in October? Father's Day in Russia is a very young holiday, the traditions of which have not yet developed Of course, the best gift will be words of gratitude and declarations of love On this day, adult children call their parents on the phone or visit their fathers in person Younger offspring give their dads hand-made gifts, the value of which is disproportionately higher than those sold in stores Celebrating Father's Day in Russia is an excellent occasion to pay tribute to the head of the family and thank him for everything he has done in the interests of children