The coal industry is one of the most in-demand and hardest types of labor in our world Now the world is increasingly switching to alternative fuel sources, but there are still industries where it is still impossible to do without coal So, the amount of coal mined determines whether our apartments will be warm in winter After all, coal remains one of the main sources of fuel in the countries of the former USSR It is needed for various heat exchange processes, as one of the most inexpensive types of fuel
On the last Sunday of August, Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and other countries of the former USSR celebrate Miner's Day This holiday is especially valuable for residents of Donetsk, Lugansk, Transbaikalia, Kaluga region and other areas where the main income and main activity of the population is work in the mines
Mining work is truly very dangerous and hard work How many collapses and accidents in mines do we know? People work in inhumane conditions and do everything to make our homes warm, comfortable and cozy There are no and never will be words to fully express our gratitude to these outcast people
The holiday was first celebrated in 1948 The foundation for the celebration of this day was Stakhanov’s achievement On a night at the end of August, in 1935, this man mined coal, which was 14 times the norm Instead of the required 7 tons, he produced more than 100 With this achievement, he gave birth to the beginning of the Stakhanov movement Young miners around the world began to strive to exceed the daily and weekly quota for coal production Since then, every year on the last Sunday of August, miners celebrate their professional holiday Large concerns organize entertainment events for their employees on this day - they organize concerts and invite famous performers
On this day, the whole world says thanks to the people whose dangerous work brings comfort and coziness to our homes Mining has a rich history There are also heroes here - people who came up with more effective methods of extraction or exceeded the required norm many times over So, the last Sunday of August is a special day for all miners in Russia and neighboring countries