Every year, on September 17th, US citizens celebrate Constitution and Citizenship Day This is a relatively young holiday, which began to be celebrated in 2001 This significant date was introduced into everyday use thanks to the order of the head of state George Bush This decision marked the exact date of the holiday, and the week following it was rightfully considered American Constitution Week
Despite the important factor that this day is not an official holiday, absolutely all Americans celebrate it And those who were born in the USA, and those who relatively recently became its citizens (regardless of religion and various traditional foundations)
Not all Americans are aware that this day was not chosen by chance, because it was on September 17, 1787 that the very first Constitution in the history of the state was created and adopted in the United States This document was certified by all representatives of the “omnipotent” Congress (issued and chosen from twelve states) The document clearly defined and formulated all the freedoms and rights of citizens of a huge country
Before this significant event for the state, everyone existed according to the laws that were formulated in the articles of confederation Of course, initially, it was a “raw” document that needed quality improvement This is exactly what they did two years later and called this improvement the “Bill of Rights”
On this very day, ceremonial presentations are held throughout the country, at which students and schoolchildren (in an intelligible form) are told about the freedoms and rights of citizens They are explained that all people living on the territory of the state are absolutely equal before the existing and functioning law
All states offer introductory history classes that focus exclusively on the Constitution Everyone is told not only about its contents, but also about the amazing history of its origin (creation) Also during Constitution Week, those individuals who took a direct part in the creation of the world-famous document are remembered
It is on this special day (and the subsequent holiday week) that citizens living in the United States (and outside the state) contribute significant sums of money to charitable donations for the development of the country