Fragrant pastries are a symbol of home comfort and well-being Housewives treat family members to pies with a golden crust and a variety of toppings and treat guests who drop by In autumn, when there is a bountiful harvest, they bake charlotte, rasstegai, kurnik, kulebyaka and other traditional Russian dishes Their exquisite appearance and aroma are the result of pie recipes being passed down from generation to generation
In autumn, pears and apples, plums and pumpkins, cherries and other gifts of nature are added to baked goods Fresh fruits and berries give the delicacies a special taste, and vanilla and cinnamon make the pie a real culinary masterpiece Meat-eaters and fish lovers are treated to kulebyaki and rasstegai, which have been dishes of national Russian cuisine for hundreds of years “A hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies,” says popular wisdom In honor of autumn baking, a cute and simple holiday has been invented September 13 is the Day of Charlottes and Autumn Pies
On this occasion, housewives exchange baking recipes and share secrets of making puff pastry and yeast dough In the old days, not a single holiday was complete without pies Depending on the season of the year and food supplies, fruits, potatoes, carrots, rutabaga, berries, mushrooms, meat, peas and even porridge were placed in them Guests were invited to a feast in honor of the birthday by sending a treat with verbal accompaniment: “The birthday boy ordered to bow with pies”
The classic recipe for Charlotte russe (“Russian charlotte”) appeared at the beginning of the 19th century The pie impresses with its simplicity of preparation and small number of ingredients But long before charlotte gained popularity, Rus' had its own baking traditions Some bakery products are a gastronomic brand of a particular region So, in the Tver, Pskov and Novgorod provinces they baked borkanniki from rye flour - pies with carrots and boiled eggs, in the north, in Karelia and Vologda - galoshnik with rutabaga, and in Arkhangelsk and Kostroma - mushroom picker, or blichniki, with chanterelles, boletus and boletuses
The traditions of preparing national cuisine and Russian hospitality have been preserved to this day Therefore, in the fall, housewives happily get to work in the kitchen, conjuring charlotte, pumpkin pies, berries and fruits Baking has become a ritual in many homes that unites different generations of the family and fills life with pleasant moments and memories The Day of Charlottes and Autumn Pies is designed to strengthen blood ties, make communication accepted, and treats delicious