The Society of Lovers of Russian Literature sacredly honors the memory of the ethnographer, writer, lexicographer and folklorist VI Dalia The scientist worked for 53 years on compiling the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” Academic publications of this kind were published before VI Dalia However, it was his work that demonstrated not only the composition of the Russian language, but also the methods of its lexical enrichment (word production) November 22, VI’s birthday Dahl celebrates Dictionary and Encyclopedia Day
The observations of the great ethnographer and lexicographer are of great value in the era of multiculturalism, the development of integration processes, the expansion of interethnic contacts and the blurring of linguistic boundaries Over the past few years, many words of foreign origin have come into Russian - outlet, badge, vending, comeback, nickname, offline, flash mob and others Borrowings are made according to the principle of tracing - direct transfer of lexemes, expressions and phrases
However, the Russian language is so generous, rich and even “redundant” in terms of word nests that it is able to form the names of new concepts using its own resources Car sharing, streaming, fake, low-cost airline, webinar, grooming These and other neologisms, called “foreign words” by Dahl, can easily be found in Russian using their roots and word formation rules
Language is the basis for the development of any ethnic group Thanks to him, Russian people not only communicate, but also define themselves as a single whole Language performs a cognitive function; its dictionaries record not only the meaning of words, but also their relationships, ensuring the continuity of generations Scientific reference manuals are no less important for systematizing knowledge
In the tsarist empire, joint-stock company FA Brockhaus and IA Efron published a Russian encyclopedic dictionary from 1890 to 1907 Famous philosophers and scientists were invited to join the editorial team - DI Mendeleev, VS Soloviev, AN Beketov and others The 43 volumes of the dictionary were a translation of the German version of the encyclopedia with a detailed presentation of issues relating to the history of Russia, its science, industry and culture
A large team of scientists has been working on fundamental works in the form of dictionaries and encyclopedias for a long time Careful and painstaking work leads to the release of real masterpieces Thus, the first volume of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia was published in 1920, the last - in 1990 The scientific reference publication has no analogues to this day BES is one of the most authoritative universal encyclopedias in the world From 2004 to 2017, the Great Russian Encyclopedia was published with more than 80 thousand articles, consisting of 35 volumes and a separate unnumbered one - “Russia” Since April 2016, an electronic version of the BDT has been available
It is a beautiful and correct speech to talk about human culture A broad outlook and encyclopedic knowledge are about a good education Today, the most in demand are explanatory, spelling, phraseological dictionaries, directories of synonyms and combinability of words in the Russian language Equally popular are the BRE, the Universal Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius and other scientific publications Their importance and role in the modern world is difficult to overestimate Therefore, November 22 is celebrated as Dictionary and Encyclopedia Day