October 7 is the Day of the formation of headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia This holiday was officially established in 1998 The date of its holding was not chosen by chance, since this day went down in the history of the Russian police Unfortunately, the role of headquarters in the common cause has always been significant, but inconspicuous
Because of this, many people mistakenly believe that staff officers are sorting out papers and doing some unimportant work that does not have much weight In fact, a lot depends on these specialists, since they take an active part in coordinating the work of their departments and influence the adoption of important decisions The modern headquarters is the skeleton on which the entire structure rests, its main think tank and generator of ideas
On October 7, back in 1918, a decree was signed in the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD on the creation of two new departments - Information and Instruction A few months later, these units were reorganized and merged into one Instructor and Inspection Department Subsequently, this structure was included in the Inspectorate of the Main Police Department, formed a year later
After 15 years, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR was created and, in parallel with it, the Main Inspectorate of the NKVD The second unit successfully existed for almost a quarter of a century, but was abolished after the end of the war in 1957 This moment became the starting point for a large-scale reform of the entire headquarters service
Beginning in the 60s, organizational and inspection units began to be actively created throughout the country In the next decade, they were reorganized into headquarters, which by the beginning of the 80s were assigned to all ministries and departments Another stage of reform began in the 90s The final structure of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed only in 1997 Since then she has not experienced any major changes
A modern staff member is an analyst, strategist, tactician, organizer and specialist who easily adapts to any situation This fact may surprise someone, but staff officers value above all else not only an analytical mind, but also creativity and the ability to find non-standard solutions to a wide variety of problems
Staff officers have an important task - conducting analytical work, although the specialists themselves usually remain in the shadows They analyze data on the level of crime and information on the results of the fight against it, organize scheduled and unscheduled meetings of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, take an active part in the development of strategic decisions and monitor their subsequent implementation
From the outside it may seem that the role of staff members is invisible, but they make a great contribution to the common cause The efficiency of the entire structure directly depends on these specialists, since it is on the basis of an analysis of the operational situation that senior management makes important management decisions Staff officers also take part in the development of anti-terrorist operations, solving crimes in hot pursuit, conducting various types of events and interacting with other departments and law enforcement agencies
Specialists who have gone through such a “staff school” are needed everywhere, so many are promoted, occupy leadership positions in other departments and even move to ministries On October 7, all employees of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive official congratulations from the leadership The best of them are nominated for state awards On their professional holiday, they don’t forget about headquarters veterans, who are invited to official events, where they also receive congratulations