The most valuable capital at all times in the development of human society has been people IV said this in his speech to graduates of military academies on May 4, 1935 Stalin: “Personnel decide everything!” This rule guided the state authorities of the young Country of Soviets long before the speech of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks Therefore, on February 28, 1924, the first units for working with personnel appeared in the OGPU, a structure formed under the NKVD
The task of political administration was to control the departments of the Central Committee of the party in the union republics of the USSR, certify police officers, suppress banditry and counter-revolutionary protests Since 1941, a unit of the OGPU began to investigate violations of official discipline and socialist legality The Supreme Court supervised its activities On February 28, in honor of the emergence of the unit, the Day of Establishment of the Personnel Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was established
The head of the People's Commissariat of Supply, Anastas Mikoyan, said in 1932: “Everyone, even the communists, steals It is easier for a communist to steal than for another He has a party card, there is less suspicion against him” Corruption penetrated into all government bodies of the USSR The Soviet police were no exception This fact dictated the need to establish units within the Ministry of Internal Affairs for working with personnel, which operate to this day
The solemn date in the calendar of professional holidays for department employees appeared in 2000 5 years earlier, in December 1995, in pursuance of Presidential Decree No 954, the Department of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was created, and the formation of subordinate bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation began The tasks of the established personnel inspections included the prevention, suppression and detection of offenses among employees, the organization of state protection of current and dismissed workers, as well as members of their families
The same goals were pursued by the apparatus and the position of special representative under the NKVD of the USSR, which became in 1934-1941 predecessors of the GUSB The responsibilities of the unit included carrying out special assignments related to the verification of internal affairs officers and the investigation of offenses committed by them During the war and after its end, these functions were performed by the Special Inspectorates of the Personnel Department of the NKVD of the USSR In 2019, this oldest unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrated its 95th anniversary
The work of personnel inspections served to improve the image of police officers in the eyes of society, and later of police officers who today guard law and order in the country Employees of the unit are engaged in checking complaints from the population and opening cases in the presence of offenses for which disciplinary measures are taken Paying tribute to the work of professionals, colleagues and relatives annually congratulate them on the Day of Establishment of the Personnel Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs