The days of military glory of Russia are designed to exalt in the memory of descendants the great events of history and their decisive role for the Fatherland, to emphasize the importance of patriotism An example of such heroic service to the Motherland can be considered the Victory Day of the Russian squadron over the Turkish at Cape Tendra in September 1790 He led the military campaign of FF Ushakov, who won special respect among the Russian people, receiving the status of a holy righteous warrior and patron of sailors
The date of September 11th is officially defined by federal law from 1995 Changes and additions are constantly being made to it, but it is surprising that the year 1790 distinguished itself twice in the military history of Russia: along with Ushakov and his battle on the water, the capture of Turkish Izmail under the leadership of Suvorov is glorified This event, which took place a few months after the naval defeat, as well as the actions of the ground units of the army during the entire course of the Russian-Turkish war, was helped by the fleet The Turks lost priority, and Russia, on the contrary, asserted its position in the Black Sea area
The result of the famous battle is truly outstanding, especially considering the initially unequal forces The Turkish enemy was superior not only in the number of ships, but also in guns, of which there were almost twice as many 21 killed and 25 wounded - this is the price of victory for the Russian fleet and one can only be surprised at such a minimum The Ottoman Empire lost more than 2 thousand people and several ships, and the Russians managed to capture the ship of Seid Bey himself, the admiral of the Turkish fleet, sinking the entire treasury in the explosion
This was predetermining for the entire Ottoman Empire - in 1791 it was forced to sign a peace agreement, although it was the first to start a war, not the first with the Russian Empire An empty treasury, a large number of dead and the abandonment of claims to Crimea are a sad result for the Turkish side
During the battle, Ushakov demonstrated a completely different battle tactics instead of the generally accepted linear one His innovative ideas and solutions (for example, the “reserve corps”) were successfully tested in the previous serious battle near the Kerch Strait And this time, maneuverability, a non-standard approach, and the courage of his subordinates helped to win a stunning victory in a two-day battle on August 28-29, old style The discrepancy of 13 days from the modern calendar immortalized the date of September 11, dedicated to this event, in honor of which ceremonial events are now being held in the Russian Armed Forces
Museums and libraries organize history lessons in an educational form for this memorable day These are book exhibitions, ship models, various reconstructions of the battle, which can be considered an excellent example of the naval art of the Russian sailing fleet
Big celebrations take place in the homeland of the legendary admiral - in the city of Rybinsk The liturgy and the laying of flowers at his monument after a small religious procession are events in which it is interesting for students of educational institutions who have already decided on their vocation and connect their destiny with maritime or river business to take part Military-patriotic clubs, especially in those regions of the Russian Federation where there is water area, never leave this day without attention, conducting educational events such as raising the St Andrew's flag - a symbol of the victorious fleet