“Our service is both dangerous and difficult” - these famous lines are perfectly suited to the profession of the district police commissioner (UPP), because the district police officer is one of the important links in the chain of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation Each employee is assigned a certain territory, and citizens living there can always count on the comprehensive assistance and assistance of the district commissioner in solving many problems The competence of the UUP includes the prevention of crime, participation in the investigation of a criminal or administrative case, the protection of the rights of citizens, and the strengthening of law and order in the entrusted territory
It's no surprise that these dedicated employees have their own "red calendar day" This is November 17, District Police Commissioner's Day The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance The fact is that November 17, 1923 is the day on which the institution of local police officers in Russia officially began to take shape The People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR approved the "Instructions for the local warden" On February 13, 1930, the local supervisor was renamed into the local police inspector and was called that until December 29, 2000, until the new name of the position was approved - the local police commissioner In 2011, the famous police reform thundered throughout the country, after which the current modern name was established - the district police commissioner At the same time, the functional responsibilities of district police officers did not survive such metamorphoses as the name of their position Quite serious requirements are imposed on the UUP: this includes having a higher legal education, excellent physical fitness, emotional and mental stability, and simply humanity and courage
The decision to annually celebrate the day of the authorized district police officer was made relatively recently: on September 6, 2002, the acting Minister of Internal Affairs, Colonel General of Police VA Vasilyev signed the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “On declaring the day of local police commissioners” He fixed the start date for the formation of the UUP service (November 17, 1923), the date for celebrating the day of the UUP, and also charged the relevant services with developing festive events By establishing this holiday, the Ministry of Internal Affairs set itself a more than good goal: raising the prestige of the profession, strengthening traditions, and maintaining continuity On this day, 54 thousand employees, along with service veterans and trainees, accept congratulations from management, from their family and friends, receive awards, and participate in various special events The holiday has become a good tradition for the internal affairs bodies By the way, it is noteworthy that in Russia there is only one monument to a precinct commissioner It is located in Penza This is a monument to police captain GA Shelkov, who held the post in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century