Girls, playing mother-daughters, choose roles and plots based on real family life Before pressing the "Start" button, young gamers come up with names, ages, and character traits for their characters Adult life provides no less opportunities for transformation Thus, actors and actresses try on other people’s destinies every day, getting into character for acting on the stage or filming in films Participants in carnivals and festive processions dress up in costumes At least once a year, parents, kindergarten teachers and school teachers have the opportunity to transform into Father Frost or the Snow Maiden
Before entering a trance, shamans, to the sounds of their own voices and a tambourine, begin to impersonate themselves with some animal or natural spirit On the Day of the Dead, residents of Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua and other Latin American countries participate in parades after dressing up in skeleton costumes and wearing make-up in the form of a skull mask Such a transformation symbolizes the cycle of life and death among the descendants of the Mayans and Aztecs In honor of the opportunity to try on various roles and masks, an unusual holiday has been established November 20th is a funny Day of Reincarnation
According to popular Slavic beliefs, the ability to change appearance has always been inherent in sorcerers Therefore, lady, the heroine of the story by NV Gogol's "Viy" alternately became a terrible witch and a young girl In honor of the holiday, everyone can try on someone else's image and be their opposite without the use of magic Modest and shy people for one day become jokers and the life of the party, and “techies” who are far from art become artists and poets
Transformation Day invites women to try on outfits that they previously did not have the fortitude to wear In the process, you come to understand that short skirts suit not only models on the catwalk, but a carefully selected long dress fits perfectly on any figure Experienced hairdressers know that to get out of depression and improve their vitality, their clients just need to get a new haircut and dye their hair Transformation Day is the ideal time to experiment with your own appearance, including tattooing and piercing
In honor of the holiday, strict bosses, who have always kept the team at a distance from themselves, come to the common smoking room and tell jokes Unsociable colleagues, who ran home after the end of the working day, go together with other employees to a cafe on November 20, breaking all stereotypes and abandoning templates The holiday encourages the manifestation of imagination and courage, calling on all people dissatisfied with their lives to think about the wisdom of the expression “If you want to change the world, change yourself”