The day when the first aviation squadron equipped with helicopters appeared in Serpukhov is considered the day the army aviation was founded - October 28, 1948 It was thanks to the squadron that aviation began to be considered a separate branch of the military Initially, helicopter aviation played a auxiliary role; it transported cargo, supplied supplies, adjusted fire, reconnaissance, and was responsible for communications between other branches of the military The fire was adjusted in such a way that the combat vehicle itself was in the crosshairs of enemy forces on the ground
Over time, helicopters became full-fledged powerful weapons Since the volume and complexity of the assigned tasks were constantly increasing, a global modernization of the organizational structures of aviation was required This is how the transition of helicopter units from solving secondary tasks to primary army ones took place
However, regardless of how powerfully armed an army is, people who masterfully wield weapons are of great importance These people must be organized and trained; the outcome of any military operation and the solution of assigned tasks directly depends on them Army aviation commanders have enormous ideological and organizational experience, which was gained in peaceful conditions and in combat conditions It was the introduction of invaluable experience into military practice, as well as analysis and generalization, that contributed to a significant increase in the combat power of helicopter units and the entire Air Force
Throughout the history of army aviation, crews have visited hot spots in Russia and other countries In the 80s it was Afghanistan, it was then that examples of heroism and the highest level of skill were shown In the 90s, the families of Russian military personnel were evacuated from Tajikistan Today, standards of heroism and courage carry out combat missions in the North Caucasus In the early 90s, aviation left the Russian Air Force and gained independence, and in 2003 it was transferred back Since 2015, the Russian Air Force has been part of the country's Aerospace Forces
In peaceful conditions, aviation accompanies exercises of various levels; none of the activities for the training of the Ground Forces is complete without the active participation of combat and transport helicopters The professional experience of the crews was useful during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant Unfortunately, even then there were casualties On the fateful day of October 2, 1986, captain V Vorobiev and his crew died in a Mi-8 crash
The equipment of Russian army aviation is considered one of the best in the world It has thousands of helicopters for various missions Some types of combat vehicles are exclusive and have no analogues in the world Development of new models is ongoing The helicopter fleet is constantly updated and expanded; every year the Russian troops receive several combat helicopter units as part of the state rearmament program They are distributed among various parts and connections
Army Aviation Day involves festive events - this includes honors, presentation of awards, demonstrations, parades and reviews, concerts Each event begins with a minute of silence
On this day, results are also summed up, problems are brought up for discussion, and prospects for activities are checked The guarantee of a peaceful and calm life for the country is loyalty to the oath, courage, courage and professionalism of those in the ranks, their faith in the common cause A high level of skill and heroism evokes deep and sincere respect
October 28 is celebrated not only by military pilots and commanders, but also by everyone who is directly related to army aviation: engineers, designers and others